Eternal Return

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 19/10/2021
  • Multi-player Online Battle Arena, Strategy
  • 12.43 Go

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This game is a work in progress. It may or may not change over time or release as a final product. Purchase only if you are comfortable with the current state of the unfinished game.

Eternal Return is a unique MOBA/Battle Royale/Survival mix that combines strategy, mechanics, and cool characters.

- Choose one of the ever growing cast of characters, take on Lumia Island as one of 18 players.
- Play with Aesthetic Anime Characters in a Multiplayer Online Survival Battle Arena.
- Unlike other games in similar genres, you can play Eternal Return solo. You don't need to depend on teammates who ultimately drag you down! Plus, winning on your own is even more satisfying.
- Of course, you can also team up with friends - or strangers - in duo or squad mode.
- With new characters and updates every two weeks, or by watching ER Esports or Streams, there are tons of ways to enjoy Eternal Return!

Constant Development
Eternal Return always takes feedback directly from players to improve each aspect of the game - whether it's character changes, balance suggestions, quality of life features, modes, anything, we're all ears!

For more information visit our official website!

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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