NASCAR Arcade Rush Project-X Edition

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 15/09/2023

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NASCAR Arcade Rush Project-X Edition is the ultimate NASCAR arcade experience for fans young and old by combining the full game with the thrill of all the Project-X digital content available. The NASCAR Arcade Rush Project-X Edition includes:

- The full game that unleashes the beasts of NASCAR and puts you in the driver’s seat of a completely new NASCAR experience with re-imagined, iconic racetracks in unmatched high-speed, wheel-to-wheel action, car models that span 75 years of stock car racing, 1000s of car customization combinations, and both single and multi-player arcade-action fun.
- A hovercraft car model developed as part of Project-X
- Project-X paint scheme, rims, wheels, and spoiler
- Project-X themed drivers suit and helmet
- Project-X team sponsorship option
- Project-X vehicle FX package
- A set of four additional in-game emojis to showcase your style

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in NASCAR Arcade Rush Project-X Edition


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