1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 15/04/2019
  • Action & Adventure, Other
  • 4.14 Go

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Japan 7677 ¥ (JPY)   48.64  




Gamon Yuta who lives in Kichijoji is a manager of the occult edition summary blog "piercingly, Bassara".
I was spending every day when I aim at making a fortunate at a stroke by an affiliate.
Strange destiny of 9 people makes such Yuta's blog a trigger, and begins to intersect variously.
Small "uneasiness" is produced, and that's connecting to the major event beyond imagination soon.

Black magic, the world after death and clairvoyance are predicted and the different dimensional world is predicted, hypnotism and city legend.

--The world is being fraudulent and is overflowing!

9 odd fellows are disclosing occult truth!

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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