Prison Architect: Escape Mode Bundle

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  • Games
  • Release date : 31/08/2018

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Contents: Prison Architect, All Day and A Night DLC, Psych Ward DLC and Escape Mode DLC

In Prison Architect you will see the impact of your grand design on the lives of your inmates be it a utopic centre for rehabilitation, a brutal Super Max Prison or anything in between.

Expose your prison to a whole host of outrageous characters who will impact your prisons in unique ways, take charge of new prisons and build your penitentiary on exciting new plots!

All Day and a Night contains 8 new wardens, 8 new prison maps and 8 new plots to expand your prison experience and bend the rules!

• Show-off and share your prisons in World of Wardens.
• Equip your prison with new padded cells and a Criminally Insane wing
• Bribe guards to evade punishment
• Sneak, fight or tunnel your way to freedom

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Liste des DLC disponible pour Prison Architect: Escape Mode Bundle


List of items included in Prison Architect: Escape Mode Bundle


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