RICO - Breakout

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 12/03/2020
  • Action & Adventure, Shooter
  • 0.01 Go

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A mass break-out at the San Amaro prison has brought to the streets a dangerous and unpredictable set of enemies. With a city-wide ordinance in place, the RICO team is drafted in to help.
A deadly new gang of prisoners, some still dressed in their prison-issue jumpsuits, and with weapons stolen from the prison’s armoury are holing up across the city.
In turn, players have access to a set of new weapons.
• G-18 - Fully automatic pistol
• USG45 - High calibre sub-machine gun
• K36 - Short-barrel special forces rifle
PLUS: A new lockdown level sees the player trapped in the San Amaro prison facing down the escaped prisoners trying to take them out.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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