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  • Deň vydania : 25/01/2024
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Zobraziť ceny Starward Rogue

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Starward Rogue is a bullet hell twin-stick shooter. Blast your way through the Megalith, a rogue-lite labyrinth lodged in the side of a star. Customize your mech with a huge variety of weapons, perks, and upgrades. Steel yourself for the dangers that lurk in the depths of the dungeon.

The cult classic twin-stick Isaac-like you've been looking for and probably missed!

- Play as a "head in a mech" harvested from the neck of everyone's favorite Space Hydra.
- Roguelite catacombs that evolve and expand with each of your successes.
- 9 starting mechs to choose from with a wide range of abilities: time control, shot magnetism, perk randomization, and more.
- 5 difficulty levels ranging from "Relatively Easy" to "Nigh Impossible."
- 350+ items, including active weapons, one-time-use consumables, and passive upgrades.
- 150+ regular enemies, 10+ minibosses, and 20+ epic bosses.
- 500+ rooms to explore, including the special condemned survival rooms.
- Level up during each run through the perk system which allows for varied build diversity.
- Buy upgrades from a variety of shops.
- Secrets! Among them "incredibilities" that massively change the way the game plays.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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Starward Rogue je dostupné v týchto balíčkoch


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