Trove - Creepy Crawly Cranium Pack

  1. Games
  • Consumable
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 14/09/2018
  • Action & Adventure, Role Playing, Other, Platformer, Family & kids

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Scare up some treats with the help of these creepy crawlies.

Colossal Skullcrawler Mount
Ride inside a giant spooky skeleton skull. What more do you need?

Nefarious Nekomancer Costume
Trade out your Tomb Raiser’s creepy cohorts for cute & cuddly cats.

Impish Tormentor Costume
Lunar Lancers might like getting treats, but they really love dishing out tricks.

Bonkers Ally
Drive your enemies absolutely batty.

Haunted Pumpkinling Ally
Watch out: this pumpkin is already pretty rotten.

3750 Credits
Pick out a few more treats for yourself.

Purchasing this pack will also allow you to claim Disaeon the Immortal, an ancestral dragon mount, from the in-game store. (limit 1/account)

The collectables included are unlocked on the purchasing account. Accounts that have already unlocked any included collectables will not receive duplicates of the collectables contained within this pack.

(Source :

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