World of Warships: Legends – Fateful Wind

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • 发布数据 : 14/09/2022
  • Action & Adventure, Shooter, Multi-player Online Battle Arena
  • 0.01 Go

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Special mission inside!

Complete your personal assignment and get the main reward: Japanese Tier II Premium destroyer Tachibana. More prizes, including freebies, are available in the bundle alongside the mission!

The bundle includes:
Japanese Tier II Premium destroyer Tachibana (available after completing both parts of the mission)
12х "Type 3 – Halloween" camouflages (available after completing the first part of the mission)
12х Rust Bucket camouflages (available after completing the second part of the mission)
5 days of Premium Account
27x Rare Ship XP Boosters
27x Rare Credit Boosters
27x Rare Commander XP Boosters
27x Rare Global XP Boosters
27x Rare Battle Boosters
37,000 Commander XP

Please note: The mission is automatically added to your in-game mission tab when you purchase this set. It's available for completion until December 9, 7:00 UTC.

In case you already have Tachibana in your collection, you'll receive a compensation of 1,500,000 credits.

Some content, such as Boosters, Commander XP, camouflages, etc., only becomes visible upon reaching a specific account level in the game.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

World of Warships: Legends – Fateful Wind字是这些游戏的一个DLC

