Crossout – Season 13 Elite Battle Pass game bundle

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  • Games
  • Release date : 08/02/2024

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See prices of Crossout – Season 13 Elite Battle Pass game bundle

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This bundle includes:

– Access to all additional rewards of the “Frostbite Assault” season.
– Upon receipt, the following 15 levels are immediately unlocked and all rewards of the unlocked levels are available.

Purchasing an elite battle pass allows you to unlock 15 levels of the season at a much lower cost than by purchasing the same amount of the season levels separately.

Owners of the elite battle pass receive all rewards of the following 15 levels, as well as the opportunity to get other parts of the season for their armoured vehicle or sell them on the market at a favourable price faster than others.

Only the owners of the battle pass can unlock all stages.

To get the reward, you need to unlock the desired stage. In order to gain access to the next reward, you need to go through all the previous stages.

(Source :

Liste des DLC disponible pour Crossout – Season 13 Elite Battle Pass game bundle


List of items included in Crossout – Season 13 Elite Battle Pass game bundle


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