Insurgency: Sandstorm - Ultimate Edition

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 24/10/2023

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Insurgency: Sandstorm Ultimate Edition includes:

- Base game
- Year 1 Pass: 16 cosmetics sets
- Year 2 Pass: 4 instantly unlocked reward items and 16 cosmetic sets
- Year 3 Pass: 16 cosmetics sets

Customize your Security and Insurgent fighters from head to toe with the Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3 Passes, which includes themed weapon skins and gear sets!

Engage in intense modern firefights in the definitive tactical FPS!

Battle in the war-torn environments of a contemporary conflict through a series of intense co-op and PvP multiplayer modes. Feel every bullet in thrilling close-quarters combat as your team fights toward victory in intense co-op and PvP multiplayer modes.

- Team up in intense 8-player cooperative gameplay.
- Compete in objective-based PvP matches with up to 20 players.
- Fully customize your soldiers and weapons.
- Get immersed with realistic ballistics and stunning attention to detail.
- Unprecedented audio design with positional voice-chat for heart-pounding immersion.

Enjoy 4K* resolution, 60FPS, highly improved visuals and fast loading on Xbox Series X|S.
*4K resolution requires compatible screen and Xbox Series X system.

Additionally, cross-gen is available allowing matches between Gen 8 and Gen 9 players. Owners of the game switching from Gen 8 to Gen 9 will receive the native version for free and keep all their previously-purchased DLCs.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Liste der verfügbaren DLCs nach Insurgency: Sandstorm - Ultimate Edition

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in Insurgency: Sandstorm - Ultimate Edition


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